Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is the best way to get my cat used to a carrier?

I have a male kitten who is right at 6 months and here in the next month I will having to be taking a trip somewhere which involves a 5 hour plan trip. My only problem is that I cannot seem to get him used to his carrier. I've tried a calming spray and everything and he still ends up freaking out at the idea of the carrier. He even breaks his claws off into bloody stumps because he's trying to get out and I just don't know what to do anymore. Any suggestions?|||Leave the carrier out rather than just taking it out when you need to put him in it. Put treats in it to lure him in. Once he's in, close the door and leave him in for a while or even pick it up and carry it around. You may try some short car trips too. Keep treats on hand to reward him.|||Let him use it as a bed and put his dish of grub in there till then and he might get used to it.|||Maybe a vet to sedate him.|||Some cats never get used to it. I suggest you ask your Vet to give you something to keep the cat calm during the trip.|||It may very hard if he has such a negative experience with the carrier.

Put his food near the carrier and put a treat inside. Let him adjust to it. He has all day to get used to it when you're not around. Eventually move the food inside and keep up with the treats.

If he has a favorite blanket or toy put them inside too. Then he will have something familiar on the trip.|||First bring the carrier or cat box out of hiding about 72 hours before actually needing to use it. Many times cats just have to take one look at the box and they know 鈥?it's time to scatter. Bringing the box out early allows the cat time to get used to seeing the box around the house. Start feeding the cat around and eventually in the box 鈥?do not shut the door. When it is time to use the box the cat might actually walk right in. Ideally you will have given yourself enough time to desensitize your cat to the carrier and this will not be a traumatic trip for your cat.

If you need to use the cat carrier right away and do not have time to desensitize your cat to the box; here are the tricks I use. Carries that open on top, whether they be cardboard, plastic, or soft, tend to be the easiest 鈥?open box and insert cat. The plastic carriers that open on one end are the tricky ones. Start by placing the carrier on one end with the door facing the ceiling. Pick the cat up under the front legs and lower the cat into the carrier, behind first. Once in the box quickly close the door. Slowly, so not to injure the cat, lower the carrier so it is up right. Using familiar bedding, like an old tee shirt or a blanket from home, also helps to keep the cat relaxed. I also use a towel to cover the carrier, cats like to hide and covering the carrier seems to help de-stress my cats.|||Put one of his favorite toys in, a blanket with his scent on it (scent glands are on muzzle and head), and some treats in there, too. Your cat may never get used to the carrier, (as i havent my self) and your kitten will fall asleep from being tierd of trying to escape. That happened to me when I wasw coming home 4 the first time to my new home! (when i was 3 months old).|||You really don't want your cat sedated. If he is not fully aware, he can be hurt by being tossed around by the movement of the car while he is in the carrier.

Feliway spray inside the carrier is one approach, so I don't know if that is the spray you used.

Rescue Remedy (herbal) either rubbed on the ear, or in the water is supposed to have a calming effect.

My carriers are out at all times. Perhaps putting him in the carrier for correspondingly longer times without moving the carrier will get him used to the idea that a carrier does not mean a vet trip. But he may still freak out when the actual journey starts. Try treats inside the carrier to make being in the carrier a positive experience.|||Im no expert and my advice may not be valid, but dont try to force him in. step into your cats shoes. think: what would persuade you to get into that carrier? does it smell bad? my dog wouldn't get used to his carrier for a while. If you are gentle and dont get frustrated, them it may help. i understand that it may be annoying, but if you are angry or anxious, it may upset him. try and coax him in with his favourite food or toy. if you manage to get him in, dont shut him in immediately, because he'll panic and wont want to go back in. also put it somewhere he can see it and investigate it all of the time, so he gets used to it. as i said, it may not work, but i really hope it helps you. good luck:)|||If you are planning on taking the kitten on board you need a soft sided carrier - not the hard sided ones. The soft one will fit under the seat. I would get one of those now. Try feeding a meal inside the carrier with the door open. The cat needs to associate this carrier as a "good" thing.

NEVER sedate a cat when flying - if they are drowsy and try to throw up they will choke and maybe die.

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