I don't have a pet carrier and don't have enough money right now to get one. But I need to put my 3 month old kitten somewhere when I'm at work so she doesn't get into things and get hurt. What can I use instead of a pet carrier that won't hurt her and that she can be comfortable in?|||Contact your local animal shelter. Sometimes they have extra pet carriers that you may borrow on a temporary basis.
Me鈥?kittyslave23鈥?I know my place.|||Kittens don't need to be kept in carriers during the day and it's cruel to do so. The real reason you wanted a carrier is to hide it from your mother, right? You stated in another post that your mom is making you get rid of this kitten since you took it from a friend without asking her for one.
You had no business getting this kitten and pretty sure this immature act is going to prevent your mother from EVER getting you a pet. Nice job.|||Hi, please dont lock up your kitten. Pet proof a room she can stay in with a litter box, food and water.Like you would for a baby. Consider she will need to be spayed soon or she will drive you and herself crazy with yelling , maybe peeing all over the house as cats in heat do. ,escaping and getting killed outside or pregnant and producing kittens no one wants.Mating is not candlelight and roses for a female cat. It is gang rape. Tom cats often cause bite wounds which infect and need $$$$ treatment at the vets. Cats need everything we do. Good food, medical care if they are sick.. etc.. all cost money. Look for low cost spay and neuter programs in ur area. If you cannot even afford a cat carrier.. (and please dont use one to imprison her) re think what is the best for your kitty and find her a home with caring friends or relatives who can afford to give her what she needs. Or find a NO KILL cat shelter that will find her a good home. take care and good luck. PS and think ... one guy locked his kitten in a carrier. had a car accident and got put in the hospital. The cat was forgotten for 4 days. in all the excitement. Finally one of his friends. a friend of my son in law, realized and got into his apartment and found the cat. It had no food or water and was dying. The vet saved it with IV fluids and medicine ... just something to keep in mind....|||a very large box? just be careful so that air can get in or that it doesn't have a top that can shut on her head if she tries jumping out. you should really invest in a carrier.|||If you are not able to give an animal a proper environment you shouldn''t have one.|||Just designate a safe room with no harmful objects inside. make sure she has food water a litterbox a bed and toys
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